Paradox of Self-Amendment by Peter Suber I gladly repeat my thanks to Frank Lalle, Lee Ann Lowder, Mardell Nereim, Dale Pierson, Cynthia Bowman, and Nancy Vinson for keeping me sane while I studied law. This book is dedicated to the unemployed members of my profession. The deplorable academic job market that reached its nadir in the mid-1970's destroyed the professional aspirations of thousands of humanists, including hundreds of philosophers. The loss of their voices has seriously weakened the quality of discussion in contemporary philosophy. This book would not exist if the market had not caused me to study law as a hedge against vexatious or exploitive job offers in my primary field. It was an accident that I found law fascinating. I will be happy if the book is good, but I will always think of it as a small contribution next to the good books that we have lost. viii