Paradox of Self-Amendment by Peter Suber Bibliography Aarnio, Aulis. On Legal Reasoning. Turku, Finland: Turun Yliopisto, 1977. Abbott, Everett V., "Inalienable Rights and the Eighteenth Amendment," Columbia Law Review, 20 (1920) 183-95. Alchourron, Carlos E., and Eugenio Bulygin. Normative Systems. Springer Verlag, 1971. Alexander, E.R., "Constitutional Strait Jacket for Canada," Canadian Bar Review, 43 (1965) 262-313. Alexander, J.P., "The Law Behind the Law," Texas Law Review, 24 (1946) 27-34. Al-Hibri, Azizah, "Understanding Ross's Paradox," Southwestern Journal of Philosophy, 10 (1979) 163-70. Allen, Layman E., "Symbolic Logic: A Razor-Edged Tool for Drafting and Interpreting Legal Documents," Yale Law Journal, 66 (1957) 833-79. Allen, Tip H., Jr., and Coleman B. Ransone, Jr. Constitutional Revision in Theory and Practice. Bureau of Public Administration, University of Alabama, 1962. Allen, Carleton Kemp. Law in the Making. Oxford University Press, 7th ed., 1964 (original 1927). Amerasinghe, C.F., "The Legal Sovereignty of the Ceylon Parliament," Public Law, (1966) 65-96. American Bar Association, Special Constitutional Convention Study Committee. Amendment of the Constitution: By the Convention Method Under Article V. American Bar Association, c. 1974. Ames, Herbert Vandenberg, "The Amending Provision of the Federal Constitution in Practice," American Philosophical Society Proceedings, 63 (1924) 62-75. Ames, Herbert Vandenberg. Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the United States During the First Century of its History. United States Government Printing Office, 1897. (Supplemented by C.C. Tansill, q.v.) Anderson, H.W., "The Constitution: An Expanding Chart of Government," Boston University Law Review, 18 (1938) 491-510. Anderson, R.H., "A Proposal to Create Conventions for Ratifying Amendments to the United States Constitution," Florida State Bar Association Law Journal, 6 (1933) 508-10. Anon., "Article V: Political Questions and Sensible Answers," Texas Law Review, 57 (1979) 1259-82. Anon., "Case for the Bricker Amendment," Georgia Law Journal, 42 (1954) 262-89. Anon., "Challenge to the Constitutionality of Proposed Constitutional Amendments," Iowa Law Review, 17 (1932) 250-54. Anon., "Circuity of Liens —A Proposed Solution," Columbia Law Review, 38 (1938) 1267-78. Anon., "Circuity of Priority and Liens under Section 67(c)(1) of the Bankruptcy Act," Yale Law Journal, 66 (1957) 784. Anon. The Constitutional Amendment Bill [for Canada]: Text and Explanatory Notes. Government of Canada, 1978. Anon., "Continued Defense of the Constitution Against the Bricker Proposals," Record of the Association of the Bar of New York City, 10 (1955) 114- 42. Anon., "Conventions to Ratify Constitutional Amendments," Law Notes, 37 (1933) 121-22. Anon., "Danger in the Treaty-Making Power — A Mirage," Temple Law Quarterly, 25 (1952) 463-71. Anon., "The Eighteenth Amendment — Its Validity — Public Opinion," Dickenson Law Review, 32 (1928) 223-45. Anon., "The FBI's Show of Shows," Time Magazine, 116, 9 (September 1, 1980) 14ff. Anon., "Judicial Review and the Growth of the Treaty Power," Syracuse Law Review, 3 (1952) 315-22. Anon., [Note on circular liens], Virginia Law Review, 15 (1928) 90. Anon., [Note on circular liens], Harvard Law Review, 67 (1953) 358. Anon., "Our Constitution and the Dangers of the Bricker Proposals," Record of the Association of the Bar of New York City, 8 (1953) 454-85. 195

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