Paradox of Self-Amendment by Peter Suber Moskowitz, Moses, "Is the U.N.'s Bill of Human Rights Dangerous?: A Reply to President Holman," American Bar Association Journal, 35 (1949) 283- 88, 358-59. Mosonyi, Gabriel, "Legal Obligation, Social Acceptance and the Separation of Law and Morals," Connecticut Law Review, 6 (1973) 36-48. Murphy, Walter F., "Lower Court Checks on Supreme Court Power," American Political Science Review, 53 (1959) 1017-31. Murray-Jones, Allan, "The Tests for Inconsistency Under Section 109 of the Constitution," Federal Law Review, 10 (1979) 25-52. Murtagh, James P., "Procedure for Amending the Constitution and the Reed-Walter Amendment," Pennsylvania Bar Association Quarterly, 27 (1955) 90-101. Musmanno, Michael A., "The Difficulty of Amending our Federal Constitution: Defect or Asset?" American Bar Association Journal, 15 (1929) 505- 08. Musmanno, Michael A., "Is the Amendment Process Too Difficult?" American Law Review, 57 (1923) 694-705. Musmanno, Michael A., "Proposed Amendments to the Constitution," House Document 550 (70th Congress, 2d Session), 1928. (Covers 1789-1889.) Needham, Charles Willis, "Changing the Fundamental Law," University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 69 (1921) 223-36. Nicholas, H.S., "Statute of Westminster and the Constitution of Canada," Australian Law Journal, 24 (1950) 147-49. O'Donoghue, Noel Dermot, "The Law Beyond The Law," The American Journal of Jurisprudence, 18 (1973) 151-64. Olcott, Nicholas (ed.), State Constitutional Conventions, Commissions, and Amendments, 1959-1978: An Annotated Bibliography. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Information Service, 1981. O'Mahoney, E., "Pathology of Democracy with Particular Reference to Personal Liberty Under Flexible and Rigid Constitutions," Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, 3d Series, 11 (1929) 96-112. Oppenheim, Felix, "Outline of a Logical Analysis of Law," Philosophy of Science, 11 (1944) 142-50. Oppler, Alfred C. Legal Reform in Occupied Japan: A Participant Looks Back. Princeton University Press, 1976. Orfield, Lester Bernhardt. The Amending of the Federal Constitution. University of Michigan Press, 1942. Orfield, Lester Bernhardt, "The Federal Amending Power: Genesis and Justiciability," Minnesota Law Review, 14 (1930) 369-84. Orfield, Lester Bernhardt, "Procedure of the Federal Amending Power," Illinois Law Review, 25 (1930) 418-45. Orfield, Lester Bernhardt, "Reform of the Federal Amending Power," North Carolina Law Review, 10 (1931) 16-55. Orfield, Lester Bernhardt, "Scope of the Federal Amending Power," Michigan Law Review, 28 (1930) 550-85. Orfield, Lester Bernhardt, "Sovereignty and the Federal Amending Power," Iowa Law Review, 16 (1931) 391-404, 504-22. Packard, Frank E., "Constitutional Law: The States and the Amending Process," American Bar Association Journal, 45 (1959) 161-64, 196-98. Packard, Frank E., "Will the Future Statehood of Alaska and Hawaii Affect Pending Federal Amendatory Matter?" Dickenson Law Review, 57 (1953) 137-42. Palmer, Ben W., "Dissension in the Court: Stare Decisis or 'Flexible Logic'?" American Bar Association Journal, 34 (1948) 887-90. Patterson, C. Perry, "The Supreme Court: Declarer or Amender? The Adaptation of the Constitution by the Supreme Court," Brooklyn Law Review, 10 (1940) 48-75. Patterson, E.W., "Logic in the Law," University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 90 (1942) 875-909. Payne, Michael A., "Hart's Concept of a Legal System," William and Mary Law Review, 18 (1976) 287-319. Payne, Michael A., "Law Based on Accepted Authority," William and Mary Law Review, 23 (1982) 501-28. (Reply to R. Shiner, q.v.) Pearson, T., and D.C. Backus, "Save the Peace Power: Don't Strait-Jacket Treaties," American Bar Association Journal, 39 (1953) 804-08. Peck, Richard, "Federal Tax Liens —Their Removal or Foreclosure, Priority Thereof, and the Problem of Circuity of Priorities," Nebraska Law Review, 38 (1959) 163-172. 209

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